unwanted cp member accounts

13.10.2006 · Best Answer: I think it is cerabal palsy Cerebral Palsy (CP) is not a disease or an illness. It is the description of a physical impairment that affects
be my friend and message me personally the member account with standerd safe chat so that no one else can see it.and if you give me your account and in
What is CP? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
19.07.2011 · Best Answer: You can't delete it, but you can close it. Account --> close account. You can just click on "close your account" That should do it - or
30.07.2007 · Hey, Everybody I have good news! If you guys want to look like Rockhopper and change your username to his just go to http://www.google.com and type in CP
What is CP? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
my club penguin account plus an unwanted.
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29.06.2007 · iz there a way that people can see wat u wear? Vietpride28: I’m sorry, but OTHER penguins CANNOT see you unless they click on YOU and see your PLAYER CARD!
Unwanted Club Penguin accounts | Penguin.
Got old,dumb or unwanted accounts on Club Penguin? We can help!! send em to unwantedcpaccounts@gmail.com and we will upgrade them make them members get coins and
09.01.2012 · Hey people idk, i would have a really rare beta account for you and stuff but doing this, somebody banned it. Ive gotten to old for this game and want to
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